Archives Is a consumer proposal right for you, or is a bankruptcy better? While each case is different, ...
Paul Pickering Ltd.
Paul Pickering Ltd.

If you have had your wages garnished is there a way to stop it?
Archives If you have had your wages garnished, is there a way to stop it? No one wants ...
Paul Pickering Ltd.

If you declare bankruptcy can you keep your vehicle?
Archives If you declare bankruptcy can you keep your vehicle? If you declare bankruptcy: You can keep a ...
Paul Pickering Ltd.

What happens if you come into a large amount of money while you are in bankruptcy?
Archives What happens if you come into a large amount of money while you are in bankruptcy? If ...
Paul Pickering Ltd.

What happens if you declare bankruptcy a second time?
What can happen when you owe Canada Revenue Agency for unpaid taxes? Set off: The government can re-allocate ..
Paul Pickering Ltd.

Separating or divorcing how to avoid credit card credit line nightmares?
Archives Separating or Divorcing? How to avoid credit card / credit line nightmares If you are separating or .
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