Have you ever wondered how often a person can declare bankruptcy? You may have already filed for bankruptcy and now find yourself once again in a ...
Paul Pickering Ltd.
Gather all of your documentation regarding your financial situation. This usually includes income, expenses, assets, and liabilities (debt).
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Sit down with one of our experienced staff as they help provide an assessment of your current situation, explore your options, and review the process to achieve a fresh start.
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Start fresh and begin your journey to regain control of your financial future.
Paul Pickering Ltd.
Have you ever wondered how often a person can declare bankruptcy? You may have already filed for bankruptcy and now find yourself once again in a ...
Paul Pickering Ltd.
Bankruptcy is a legal proceeding that can absolve individuals, sole proprietors, businesses, and in rare cases, even cities from debt. It provides ...
Paul Pickering Ltd.
According to Bloomberg, roughly 500 thousand Canadians filed for unemployment at the height of the pandemic lockdown.
This grim number should ...