Archives Is a consumer proposal right for you, or is a bankruptcy better? While each case is different, …
Archives Is a consumer proposal right for you, or is a bankruptcy better? While each case is different, …
Archives If you have had your wages garnished, is there a way to stop it? No one wants …
Archives If you declare bankruptcy can you keep your vehicle? If you declare bankruptcy: You can keep a …
Archives What happens if you come into a large amount of money while you are in bankruptcy? If …
What can happen when you owe Canada Revenue Agency for unpaid taxes? Set off: The government can re-allocate ..
Archives Separating or Divorcing? How to avoid credit card / credit line nightmares If you are separating or .
If someone you cosigned for declares bankruptcy are you protected from creditor calls? No. Once an individual has …
Book Your Appointment Today! Testimonials Best thing I could do for myself & family
A sigh of Relief | Dec 18, 2013
It’s not an easy thing to admit that you are having financial difficulties, let alone publicly announce it for the world to see, but I thought that maybe my experience would help someone who is struggling.
You may have received a letter from the CRA advising you of an unpaid tax amount and it will speak of “legal actions” to come if you do not call and arrange a repayment. The types of legal action that CRA may take are varied and the letter will warn that these legal actions may […]